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10 January 2015 - Lear Competition Notes , Competition Economics, Mergers

Optimal pre-merger notification thresholds: an economic approach

The level of pre-merger notification thresholds is a matter of extreme importance to guarantee an effective and efficient merger review regime. On the one hand, the higher the thresholds the higher the risk of having potential anticompetitive mergers that might not be assessed by the relative authority. On the other hand, imposing notification to all […] Read more

The Competitive Effects of Across-Platforms Parity Agreements
28 November 2014 - Presentations

The Competitive Effects of Across-Platforms Parity Agreements

Presentation on: Across-Platforms Parity Agreements (APPA) insights from other pricing policies, antitrust theories of harm, efficiency justifications.

21 November 2014 - Lear Competition Notes , Regulation

Il ruolo dell’analisi economica nella determinazione delle sanzioni per illeciti concorrenziali

Il 31 ottobre 2014 l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) ha pubblicato le Linee Guida sulla modalità di determinazione delle sanzioni pecuniarie irrogate nel caso di violazioni di norme concorrenziali. La presente nota descrive alcuni elementi di novità e illustra come le Linee Guida suggeriscono un più ampio ruolo dell’analisi economica, anche ai […] Read more

17 July 2014 - Lear Competition Notes , Abuse of Dominance, Competition Economics

Price-cost test in predatory abuses: treatment of common cost and multiperiod

Predatory prices are a particular type of exclusionary abuse whereby a dominant firm incurs short-term losses by charging a lower price deliberately with the intent to foreclose competitors. The antitrust analysis of predatory conduct entails the application of price-cost tests. These tests are based on the comparison of the retail price of a dominant firm […] Read more

26 November 2013 - Lear Competition Notes , Abuse of Dominance, Cartels, Competition Economics, Litigation

Statistical significance and the standard of proof in antitrust damage quantification

Econometric techniques can play an important role in damage quantification cases regarding breaches of antitrust law. In this short note, starting from a prima facie simple convention on how to interpret the estimated regression coefficients, we will discuss how a deep understanding of both the specific legal framework and the relevant technical aspects is important […] Read more

9 September 2013 - Research Papers

They Played the Merger Game: A Retrospective Analysis in the UK Videogames Market

We study the effect of a merger in a dynamic high-technology industry — the videogame market — which is characterized by frequent introduction of new products. To assess the impact of the merger between two large specialist retailers in the UK, we perform a difference-in-differences analysis comparing the price evolution of the merging parties to […] Read more

1 July 2013 - Research Papers , Competition Economics, Mergers

The Effect of EU Antitrust Investigations and Fines on a Firm’s Valuation

EU antitrust investigations involve a sequence of events which affect the investigated firm’s market value. We model these relationships and estimate their impact on firms’ share prices. On average, a surprise inspection reduces a firm’s share price by 2.89%, an infringement decision reduces it by 3.57%. The Court judgments do not have a statistically significant […] Read more