Our economists publish research papers, write notes and make presentations on projects we have worked on. Have a look to our publications below:
Mergers between competitors might generate relevant anti-competitive effects. Therefore, competition authorities need effective tests to make a preliminary assessment of the likelihood of unilateral effects of horizontal mergers. These tests are usually based on market shares and rely on the definition of the relevant market. However, in some market settings, this approach might fail to […] Read more
Price Relationship Agreements (PRAs) are agreements linking one supplier’s price to those charged to other customers or by competitors. Firms adopt PRAs for many different reasons and the competitive effects of these agreements may vary substantially. This note summarizes the main findings of a comprehensive literature review of PRAs, bringing together different economic theories of […] Read more
Studio di Lear per OFT su price relationship agreements (PRA), relativa tassonomia, possibili effetti concorrenziali e criteri di valutazione di alcuni PRA.
The report, prepared for the OFT by LEAR, examines the various forms these agreements can take, their potential benefits and anti-competitive effects, drawing on economic literature and relevant case law. The OFT will present the findings today at a joint workshop held by the US Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice on the implications […] Read more
This paper empirically investigates the effectiveness of Competition Policy by estimatingits impact on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth for 22 industries in 12 OECD countries over the period 1995-2005. Using country-industry and time fixed effects, and controlling for most other determinants of productivity growth, we find a robust positiveand significant effect of competition policy as […] Read more
Bundled discounts are a form of price cutting which are presumptively beneficial to consumers. However, bundle offers from a dominant firm might exploit market power to foreclose competitors, thus harming consumers. The European Commission and the DoJ set out a framework to analyze the potential exclusionary effects of bundled discounts by dominant firms. Focusing on […] Read more
This study analyses the main barriers to effective competition in the provision of mortgage credit. The study considers and discusses barriers affecting both the supply (distance, information sharing, cross-selling practices, linkages between mortgage lenders and other market players) and the demand (switching and search costs) side of the market. Based on the available evidence it […] Read more