Our economists publish research papers, write notes and make presentations on projects we have worked on. Have a look to our publications below:
La LCN commenta la recente sentenza con cui il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio ha accolto il ricorso di UnipolSai contro il Provvedimento n. 25382 dell’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato. La LCN si focalizza su due dei principi enunciati nella sentenza, quello della congruenza narrativa dell’ipotesi collusiva e quello della astratta idoneità dell’accordo […] Read more
This study evaluates the appropriateness of some merger decisions undertaken by the Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) in the Dutch grocery shopping sector. We analyze three related merger decisions published between 2009 and 2012 and involving major supermarket chains. We conduct both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis and examine the effect of the mergers […] Read more
This presentation deals with: theory of collusion, how firms collude in public procurement, how to detect collusion, leniency programs.
This presentation deals with Across-Platform Parity Agreements (APPAs) developing a simple framework to assess APPA’s competitive effects.
This paper discusses whether, when manufacturers choose to adopt a selective distribution system, vertical restraints imposed on electronic commerce (e-commerce) may work in the interest of consumers or have anticompetitive consequences that require an antitrust intervention. The paper presents the basic economic concepts that apply to vertical restraints, and identifies the efficiency reasons and the […] Read more
This presentation shows: Vertical-PRAs, antitrust theories of harm, efficiency justifications. Object infringement for PRAs may be inappropriate.
A lesson on the economic foundation of competition policy delivered by Paolo Buccirossi at the Trento Summer School, June 2015.