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Here you can find the recent competition policy and public procurement projects in which Lear has been involved.

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Damages estimation for alleged abuse of dominance in the market for electricity distribution

Lear assisted one of the main distributors in the Italian electricity market in developing defensive strategies apt to rebut the accusations of abuse of dominance made by three different companies active in the retail electricity market. In three of these cases, Lear assisted its client in developing a defensive strategy against the competitors’ accusation regarding […] Read more


Damage assessment for a breach of contract in the football audio-visual rights market

Lear has assisted a leading Italian telecom operator in claiming potential damages resulting from the anticipated resolution of a contract for the online distribution of football matches, and from discrimination in promotion efforts, as its counterpart – the exclusive rights holder, a web platform itself – decided to partner with the Italian telecom incumbent under […] Read more

Competition Economics, Cooperation and Vertical Agreements

Alleged restriction of competition agreement in the market for distribution of consumer electronics

Lear has assisted Apple Inc. in a proceeding started by the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) on a vertical agreement with the Amazon group that had allegedly reduced intra-brand price competition on the Amazon.it marketplace. Lear prepared an economic brief highlighting the shortcomings of the ICA’s analysis, the efficiencies of the agreement, and showing that a […] Read more

Competition Economics, Mergers

Ex-ante assessment of a merger in the Italian insurance sector

Lear has assisted Assicurazioni Generali in the acquisition of Cattolica Assicurazioni. Lear has analysed the relevant geographic and product markets to identify affected markets according to the thresholds set by the European Commission in the horizontal mergers guidelines, and for those markets has analysed the competitive concerns that might arise from the concentration, showing that […] Read more


Damages estimation for alleged abuse of dominance in the market for electricity distribution

Lear assisted one of the main distributors in the Italian electricity market in developing defensive strategies apt to rebut the accusations of abuse of dominance made by three different companies active in the retail electricity market. In two of thesecases, Lear assisted its client in developing a defensive strategy against the competitors’ accusation regarding alleged […] Read more


Regulatory dispute in the telecommunication sector

Lear is assisting an Italian telecom operator that has filed a claim against the decisions of the sector regulatory body regarding its evaluation of the annual net costs of the Universal Service Obligation (USO) borne by the incumbent (USO Provider by law) that other telecom operators can be asked to provide funding for. Lear’s client […] Read more


Damages quantification following abuse of dominance in the ultrabroadband market

Lear is assisting the shareholder of a wholesale operator in the market of FTTH (Fiber To The Home) network in a damages action, initially promoted by its subsidiary, against the Italian incumbent operator for wholesale and retail fixed access TIM. The latter has been sanctioned in 2020 by the Italian Competition Authority for exclusionary conduct […] Read more