On 13th July 2017, the Research Centre for Transport and Logistics of Sapienza University is organizing a conference on the recent framework for local public transportation services in Italy. Continue reading Paolo Buccirossi speaks at the Sapienza university of Rome
One week left to PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DAYS Rome 3-5 JuLY
During the three-day event, Lear Conference 2017 and the 2nd Global Procurement Conference will bring together experts from a variety of fields to discuss cutting-edge topics in public procurement. Hot topics: #CORRUPTION&COLLUSION – SCREENING TOOLS & #BIG DATA – BID-RIGGING – ACTIONS FOR DAMAGES – HUMAN RIGHTS – GENDER EQUALITY – SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT – MULTILATERAL DEVELOPMENT BANK . Continue reading One week left to PUBLIC PROCUREMENT DAYS Rome 3-5 JuLY
Public Procurement & Competition Policy #LearConference2017. Take advantage of the new EARLY BIRD offer!
Gathering experts from a variety of backgrounds including academia, international organizations, law firms, public authorities and the private sector, LEAR CONFERENCE 2017 will engage in a comprehensive debate on the current challenges related to competition in public procurement. Continue reading Public Procurement & Competition Policy #LearConference2017. Take advantage of the new EARLY BIRD offer!
#LearConference 2017 on PUBLIC PROCUREMENT & COMPETITION POLICY Registration is open!
Get involved an intensive exchange of ideas and experiences related to public procurement & competition policy issues in a globalized world.
Join us and and benefit from our super early bird offer!
Lear Conference 2017:”Public Procurement & Competition Policy” Rome 3-5 July 2017
The 7th edition of the Lear Conference joins the Global Procurement Conference in organizing an international event “Public Procurement Days”. Continue reading Lear Conference 2017:”Public Procurement & Competition Policy” Rome 3-5 July 2017
New technical assistance project on public procurement in Serbia
Lear is pleased to announce a new technical assistance project on behalf of the EBRD: “Serbian Public Procurement System Action Plan”. This project aims to identify key areas for improvements of public procurement in Serbia and suggest practical measures to address existing gaps. Continue reading New technical assistance project on public procurement in Serbia