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Workshop – Relazioni Pericolose: Acquisizioni e innovazione nel settore farmaceutico – Slides e Video

Si è recentemente concluso il workshop “Relazioni Pericolose: Acquisizioni e Innovazione nel Settore Farmaceutico”, un evento che ha acceso il dibattito sulle killer acquisitions, ovvero quelle operazioni di acquisizione strategica che possono frenare l’innovazione nel settore farmaceutico.
L’incontro ha visto la partecipazione di esperti del settore, accademici e rappresentanti dell’industria, che hanno condiviso analisi approfondite, casi di studio e possibili scenari futuri. Durante il dibattito sono emersi spunti interessanti sulle dinamiche di mercato, sulle implicazioni regolatorie e sulle strategie per incentivare la competizione e l’innovazione.

Per chi non ha potuto partecipare o desidera approfondire, sono disponibili i materiali del workshop:

📌 Slide della presentazione dello studio ➡ Fact finding and evaluation challenge
🎥Registrazione video dell’evento ➡ Presentazione Studio  e  Tavola Rotonda 

Tailored solutions in Economics

Lear is an economics consulting firm that specializes in applying micro-economic and quantitative tools to help its clients reach better business decisions. Our consulting activities are supported by in-house research activities.

Economics can provide the answers to many complex legal, regulatory and contractual issues and we at Lear leverage on our in-depth knowledge of this discipline to assist our clients in developing and applying economic solutions that are simple and clear.

Lear was founded in 1999, when Paolo Buccirossi left the Italian Competition Authority, where he was an economic advisor. Lear was the first Italian competition economics consulting firm.

In 2000, Lear won its first project outside of Italy and cooperated with the Working Group on Fines of the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) in the review of the “Working instructions for fines”. Today the NMa’s policy on fines is considered an example in all EU Member States.

Since 2005 Global Competition Review, a leading antitrust publication, has included Lear among the top 20 economics consulting firms specialising in competition issues in the world.