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Public Procurement & Competition Policy #LearConference2017. Take advantage of the new EARLY BIRD offer!

Gathering experts from a variety of backgrounds including academia, international organizations, law firms, public authorities and the private sector, LEAR CONFERENCE 2017 will engage in a comprehensive debate on the current challenges related to competition in public procurement.


  • Public procurement and competition policy: friends or foes?
  • Corruption and collusion: independent or correlated phenomena?
  • Screening tools and big data for cartel’s detection.
  • Private enforcement, including action for damages in bid-rigging cases

– Check out the program
– Join the Lear Conference and meet our expert speakers
– Register now and  benefit of EARLY BIRD offer!


Lear Conference 2017
Date: 8 February 2017
Tag(s): Bid Rigging, Big data, Competition Policy, Public Procurement, Screening Tools