TAR annuls ICA’s decision and rules in favor of Wind Tre

The Administrative Tribunal of Lazio (TAR) has annulled the decision by the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) whereby telecommunications operators had been found to have breached competition law.The allegation was that operators had coordinated their strategy following the Government’s and regulator’s decision to impose a monthly billing cycle for telecommunications services, and had all agreed to comply with the new requirement by keeping their prices unchanged and refraining from granting discounts which would have spurred customer mobility. Continue reading TAR annuls ICA’s decision and rules in favor of Wind Tre

Vodafone wins against Eutelia

Vodafone won its appeal against Eutelia in an action for damages. The case concerns an alleged margin squeeze in the market for fixed-to-mobile voice call termination services. The alleged abuse had been investigated by the Italian Competition Authority in 2007 and was closed with a commitment decision. Eutelia, a fixed operator, had sued Vodafone and asked for compensation for the damages allegedly suffered. Continue reading Vodafone wins against Eutelia

Deutsche Bahn and OBB have their appeal upheld by the Administrative Tribunal of Piemonte

The Administrative Tribunal of Piemonte has upheld the appeal lodged by Deutsche Bahn Italia (Deutsche Bahn) S.r.l. and Öbb-Personenverkehr Aktiengesellschaft (OBB) against the decision of the Italian Transport Regulation Authority (Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti – ART) to raise wholesale fees for international train services. Continue reading Deutsche Bahn and OBB have their appeal upheld by the Administrative Tribunal of Piemonte

Lear Competition Note: Statistical significance and the standard of proof in antitrust damage quantification

Following the adoption of the “Practical Guide on Quantifying Harm” by the EC, Courts will increasingly be required to assess whether the econometric model submitted by the claimant meets the required standard of proof or if the model submitted by the defendant suffices for overturning the claimants’ conclusions. Continue reading Lear Competition Note: Statistical significance and the standard of proof in antitrust damage quantification