Italian Competition Authority’s decision against Radio Taxi 3570 overturned in Court

The Regional Administrative Tribunal (TAR) upheld the appeal of Radio Taxi 3570 and annulled last year decision of the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) for the alleged foreclosure effects of the non-compete clause which prevents taxi drivers associated with the three largest cab dispatching cooperatives in Rome from accepting calls for service from competitors. Continue reading Italian Competition Authority’s decision against Radio Taxi 3570 overturned in Court

Italian Competition Authority’s investigation against RadioTaxi

The Italian Competition Authority (ICA) is investigating into the top three cab dispatching companies operating in Rome – including Lear’s client Radiotaxi 3570 –  for the alleged foreclosure effects of the non-compete clause which prevents taxi drivers associated with one of the three cab dispatching companies from accepting calls for service from competitors. Continue reading Italian Competition Authority’s investigation against RadioTaxi

Paolo speaks at the conference “On-Line Intermediation and Competition in E-Commerce” in Rome on Nov 5 2015

Given the crucial role acquired by on-line intermediation in the digital market over the last decade, the University of Roma TRE in collaboration with’ The Information Law and Informatics’ journal is holding a conference on the emerging issues and challenges relating to competition policy and intermediation in e-commerce. Continue reading Paolo speaks at the conference “On-Line Intermediation and Competition in E-Commerce” in Rome on Nov 5 2015