Support study for DG Comp for the revision of the Railway Guidelines

Lear, together with E.CA Economics, Sheppard Mullin and University of East Anglia, was appointed by the European Commission to carry out a study to assist in the revision the Community guidelines on State aid for railway undertakings. The study addresses four areas: the status of rail infrastructure; accessibility and costs pertaining to rolling stock; profitability and demand elasticity of rail freight services; and effectiveness of State support measures.
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Support study for DG Comp for the revision of the Railway Guidelines

Lear, together with E.CA Economics, Sheppard Mullin and University of East Anglia, has been appointed by the European Commission to carry out a study to assist in the revision the Community guidelines on State aid for railway undertakings. The study will provide the Commission with the relevant information to update the Guidelines, to ensure that they are apt to promote the full liberalization of the rail sector and well-aligned with the regulatory developments that ensure a level-playing field in the internal market. Continue reading Support study for DG Comp for the revision of the Railway Guidelines

When State aid overlaps with market based mechanisms: an example from energy markets

The Lear Competition Note (LCN) discusses the existing literature on the interaction between State aid intervention that incentivizes the investment in decarbonisation technologies and the market-based mechanism relying on the European Union Emission Trading System (ETS). Now in its fourth phase, the EU ETS is often considered the most effective policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Lear Competition Note is available here
Read more on our engagments here 


Lear, together with DIW Berlin, E.CA Economics, Sheppard Mullin and University of East Anglia, has been appointed by the European Commission to carry out a background study on State aid in the field of environmental protection and energy. The results will support the Commission in the revision of the EU Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) as well as the respective parts of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). The study addressed three broad topics, structured in three separate study items. Continue reading THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION PUBLISHED EEAG AND GBER REVISION SUPPORT STUDY PREPARED WITH LEAR’S CONTRIBUTION


Lear, together with DIW Berlin, E.CA Economics, Sheppard Mullin and University of East Anglia, has been appointed by the European Commission to carry out a background study on State aid in the field of environmental protection and energy. The results of the study will support the Commission in the revision of the EU Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) as well as the respective parts of  the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). Continue reading SUPPORT STUDY FOR THE DG COMP ON THE STATE AID RULES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY

The European Commission published the studies prepared with Lear’s support for the fitness check of State Aid rules

Lear, together with DIW Berlin and Sheppard Mullin, has been appointed to support the European Commission’s “fitness check” on the “Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investments” and the “Guidelines on State aid to airports and airlines”. The Guidelines were part of the State Aid Modernisation, a package of rules meant to simplify the procedure State Members must follow to implement State aid. The fitness check is an evaluation aimed at deciding whether to further prolong or update the provisional rules of the Modernisation package. Continue reading The European Commission published the studies prepared with Lear’s support for the fitness check of State Aid rules

Survey of European regional airports

Lear, in consortium with DIW and Sheppard Mullin, has successfully engaged more than fifty regional airports across twelve different European Union’s Member States in a survey-based dialogue. The cooperation of National and International Associations of Airports has been key to extend the reach of the survey, as small airports often have little resources to devote to extraordinary activities. Continue reading Survey of European regional airports

Evaluation on the EU’s State aid rules for operating aid to airports

The Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission (DG COMP) has commissioned to a consortium led by Lear and participated by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and Sheppard Mullin, a study to support its evaluation of the rules regarding access to operating aid to airports under the EU Aviation Framework applicable as of 2014 (2014 Aviation Guidelines). Continue reading Evaluation on the EU’s State aid rules for operating aid to airports