The study investigates the impact of three mergers between major Dutch supermarket chains, all cleared with divestitures by the Autoriteit Consument & Markt (“ACM”). Continue reading The report: “Mergers in the Dutch grocery sector: an ex-post evaluation” is online
Lear’s economists at the ACM – Presentation of the ex post merger evaluation study in the Dutch grocery sector
On Thursday 11 December, Roberto Cervone and Alessia Marrazzo will present at the Dutch competition authority (Autoriteit Consument & Markt, “ACM”) a report on the ex-post evaluation of three merger decisions in the Dutch grocery sector.
Continue reading Lear’s economists at the ACM – Presentation of the ex post merger evaluation study in the Dutch grocery sector
The 2015 annual ACE Conference will take place at Bocconi University (Milan) on Nov 27-28.
Paolo Buccirossi will chair the Parallel Session II Liberty/Ziggo and Liberty/De Vijver. Continue reading Paolo at 13th ACE ANNUAL CONFERENCE
Paolo Buccirossi at AGCM for a conference on “The economic analysis in the application of competition law”
The Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) invited Paolo Buccirossi to the conference “The economic analysis in the application of competition law” that will be held on April 20. Continue reading Paolo Buccirossi at AGCM for a conference on “The economic analysis in the application of competition law”
Lear Competition Note – “Optimal Pre-Merger Notification Thresholds: An Economic Approach”
Every year, the number of mergers taking place across countries is extremely high. In order to guarantee an effective and efficient merger review regime, an economic approach in line with international best practices should be adopted in setting pre-merger notification thresholds for different countries. Continue reading Lear Competition Note – “Optimal Pre-Merger Notification Thresholds: An Economic Approach”
New publication by #Leareconomists
The Italian Antitrust Review has published a paper on Optimal Pre Merger Notification Thresholds by Paolo Buccirossi, Roberto Cervone and Chiara Riviera. Continue reading New publication by #Leareconomists
New publications by #Leareconomists
Two studies on the impact assessment of two merger decisions in the retailing sector, videogame and book retail chains. Continue reading New publications by #Leareconomists
#LearConference2013 the video is on line
The video of the Lear Conference 2013 “The Economics of Merger control” is now available. Continue reading #LearConference2013 the video is on line
#LearConference2013, press release by PaRR Policy and Regulatory Report
PaRR has published specific articles on the topics covered during the event. Continue reading #LearConference2013, press release by PaRR Policy and Regulatory Report
Paolo at the Pre-ICN Forum in Warsaw
This year’s Pre-ICN Forum will be held in Warsaw, April 23rd 2013. Paolo Buccirossi has been invited to take part in the session on ‘The effects of promoting market competition’. He will give a talk on ‘ Evidence on the impact of competition on productivity and economic growth’. Continue reading Paolo at the Pre-ICN Forum in Warsaw