New publication on “ Concorrenza, mercato e diritto dei consumatori”

Paolo Buccirossi and Salvatore Nava have contributed to the volume “Concorrenza, mercato e diritto dei consumatori”. The volume aims at providing a comprehensive view on competition law and consumer protection, also in light of the most recent case law. The volume also looks at the interaction between law and economics when it comes to competition matters. Continue reading New publication on “ Concorrenza, mercato e diritto dei consumatori”

Paolo at the ACM CONFERENCE 2016

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) will organize a conference on “Impact Assessment of Interventions of Competition and Consumer Authorities”. The conference will take place in Amsterdam on November 16, 2016. Over the last years, government and market authorities devoted particular attention to impact assessment, a tool which can enable them to learn from past interventions and improve future ones. Continue reading Paolo at the ACM CONFERENCE 2016

Elena Argentesi at the European Parliament On May 2

The European Parliament organizes the “Workshop Competition in the Food Retail Sector” and Elena Argentesi will present our recent work on “Effects of retail mergers on variety: An ex-post evaluation”.
More details on this event here
To see the report here

Tomaso Duso at the E.CA Economics EXpert Forum in Berlin

Tomaso Duso presented our recent work “Effects of retail mergers on variety: An ex-post evaluation” at the 4th E.CA Economics Expert Forum held in Berlin on 15 April. The study, carried out by Tomaso jointly with Lear’s Elena Argentesi, Paolo Buccirossi and Alessia Marrazzo, assesses the impact on product variety of three mergers in the Dutch grocery sector. Continue reading Tomaso Duso at the E.CA Economics EXpert Forum in Berlin