The new track access charge system approved by the Italian regulator (“ART”, Autorità di Regolazione Trasporti) and implemented by the Italian infrastructure manager has determined a significant increase to the fee for international passenger transport. Continue reading Regulatory dispute on access charges to the rail infrastructure
Past merger assessment in technology sector
Lear carried out a research and evaluation project for the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) looking at approaches to assessing potential theories of harm and evaluating past merger decisions in the technology sector. Lear’s report identifies which theories of harm Competition Authorities should investigate when facing a merger in the technology sector and what type of evidence they should rely on to predict potential competition. Moreover, The report provides an ex-ante and ex-post assessment of selected UK cases, to ascertain whether the CMA’s decision was reasonable, and it proved to be correct.
Quantifying harm from regulation in the telecom sector
Lear is assisting a telecom operator in quantifying harm that will be suffered as a result of a change of the regulated price of compulsory communication data that have to be provided to the Judiciary by law. The analysis developed by Lear aims at verifying the methodology used to determine incremental costs borne by the operator for the activity performed in the public interest, and argues that, as long as such costs are unrelated to private telecom operations, they should be covered by the Government, to avoid any distortion in the efficient allocation of resources.
Study on capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRMs) for an Italian industry association
Lear carried out a study, for an Italian association of electricity generators, aimed at addressing the effectiveness of the Italian capacity market in promoting supply adequacy. The research exhaustively examined the economic theory on CRMs and performed an overview of CRMs implemented across Europe. A specific focus has been provided on the capacity market of France and Great Britain.
Assessment of benefits of open networks deployed under state aid schemes
Lear assisted a leading regulator in the assessment of costs and benefits arising from open access requirements in the deployment of network infrastructure. In particular, Lear was responsible for designing a methodology for the assessment and for applying this to a sample of cases. The project has served to inform the design of subsidies for network deployment.
Study on the development of the audio-visual markets and creation of original contents
Lear carried out a study, for a leading Italian broadcaster, aimed at analysing the development of the audio-visual markets, with a focus on the entry of Over-The-Top (OTT) operators. Lear analysed the regulatory asymmetry between classic broadcasters and OTTs and described the phenomenon of unauthorised use of content protected by copyright, paying particular attention to enforcement policies. The study also assessed the imbalances in the market and their impact on broadcasters’ investment in original content creation