This presentation includes a qualitative and a quantitative analysis and examines the effect of the mergers on different dimensions of competition: price, product variety, provision of qualitative and ancillary services. Continue reading The effect of retail mergers on variety: An ex-post evaluation
The Risk of Collusion in Public Procurement
This presentation deals with: theory of collusion, how firms collude in public procurement, how to detect collusion, leniency programs.
On-line Intermediation and Antitrust Economics
This presentation deals with Across-Platform Parity Agreements (APPAs) developing a simple framework to assess APPA’s competitive effects.
Across Platforms Parity Agreements
This presentation shows: Vertical-PRAs, antitrust theories of harm, efficiency justifications. Object infringement for PRAs may be inappropriate.
Economic Foundation & Analysis
A lesson on the economic foundation of competition policy delivered by Paolo Buccirossi at the Trento Summer School, June 2015.
Adozione di un effect based approach nella valutazione delle intese restrittive: risvolti operativi e conseguenze per il private enforcement
Adozione di un effects based approach nella valutazione delle intese restrittive: risvolti operativi e conseguenze per il private enforcement.
La quantificazione del danno antitrust: la Guida Pratica della Commissione Europea
Una presentazione della Guida Pratica della Commissione Europea: metodi e tecniche per la quantificazione del danno antitrust.
The Competitive Effects of Across-Platforms Parity Agreements
Presentation on: Across-Platforms Parity Agreements (APPA) insights from other pricing policies, antitrust theories of harm, efficiency justifications.
The impact of Competition Policy on Productivity Growth
This presentation, delivered by Paolo Buccirossi in Warsaw, evaluates the impact of competition policy on total factor productivity growth.
Analisi economica nel vaglio di ammissibilità di un’azione di classe
Questa presentazione valuta come il contributo dell’analisi economica può fornire indicazioni su omogeneità della classe e assenza di conflitti di interesse.