The Lear Competition Festival is officially over! We are extremely satisfied with how it turned out and we are very happy with the quality of the debate.
The videos of the 3-day festival are available at
Lear Competition Festival 2021 – Virtual Edition from 9 to11 June
The program includes:
- 2 plenary sessions held by panels of renowned academics and practitioners
- 1 roundtable with the chairs of National Competition Authorities from the UK, Greece and Spain
- 4 sessions devoted to hot cases and tools for antitrust analysis, managed by LCF partners including @Dentons, @Freshfields Bruchkaus Deringer, @Orrick and @Osborne Clarke
- 1 book presentation and ensuing discussion on the ex post evaluation of competition policy interventions
- Presentation of the Young Talent Competition Award, a unique opportunity for young economists and lawyers rewarding the best research proposal in the competition field
- The LCF talk, an in-depth interview with Olivier Guersent, the Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition, and Andreas Schwab, Internal Markets Committee Rapporteur at the European Parliament, conducted by our media partner PaRR
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