Rome, June 23-25, 2005
Competition Among Multiproduct Platforms


He is Managing Director of ESMT Competition Analysis.
Before joining ESMT he was part of the Chief Economist Team of DG COMP (since 2003) which is responsible for the economic assessment of antitrust, merger and state aid cases.
His interests lie in the fields of applied microeconomics and industrial organization, with a specialization in competition economics. He worked on several important state aid cases, on IPR related merger and antitrust cases as well as on cartel cases. Recent publications address inter alia economic methods for cartel detection, the economics of state aid control and the more economic approach in competition policy. He is also author of a study on the effectiveness of State aid measures, carried out 2003 for DG ECFIN. Before working for the Commission he was partner of an economic consulting firm. He has prepared studies for the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor (BMWA) and the European Commission, and has written numerous reports for industrial associations and private enterprises.

Main Sponsor


Law firms Partners
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Wilmer Culter Pickering Hale & Dorr

AGI – Associazione Imprese Generali
Ferrovie dello Stato

Kind contribution offered by
Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni
Comune di Roma
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Roma