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21 November 2014 - Lear Competition Notes , Regulation

Il ruolo dell’analisi economica nella determinazione delle sanzioni per illeciti concorrenziali

Il 31 ottobre 2014 l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) ha pubblicato le Linee Guida sulla modalità di determinazione delle sanzioni pecuniarie irrogate nel caso di violazioni di norme concorrenziali. La presente nota descrive alcuni elementi di novità e illustra come le Linee Guida suggeriscono un più ampio ruolo dell’analisi economica, anche ai […] Read more

6 November 2011 - Lear Competition Notes , Abuse of Dominance, Competition Economics, Regulation

Which test for bundled discounts

Bundled discounts are a form of price cutting which are presumptively beneficial to consumers. However, bundle offers from a dominant firm might exploit market power to foreclose competitors, thus harming consumers. The European Commission and the DoJ set out a framework to analyze the potential exclusionary effects of bundled discounts by dominant firms. Focusing on […] Read more

14 June 2011 - Research Papers , Policy Assessments, Regulation

Responsible Lending – Barriers to Competition

This study analyses the main barriers to effective competition in the provision of mortgage credit. The study considers and discusses barriers affecting both the supply (distance, information sharing, cross-selling practices, linkages between mortgage lenders and other market players) and the demand (switching and search costs) side of the market. Based on the available evidence it […] Read more

1 September 2010 - Research Papers , Abuse of Dominance, Cartels, Competition Economics, Cooperation and Vertical Agreements, Litigation, Regulation

The Enforcement of Imperfect Rules

This paper examines the optimal sanction for rules that are imperfect in that they are either overinclusive, as they prohibit an action that in some circumstances is beneficial, or underinclusive as they allow agents to undertake alternative conducts that are harmful, or both. The paper clarifies why this notion of imperfection divers from the notion […] Read more

1 October 2009 - Research Papers , Abuse of Dominance, Cartels, Competition Economics, Policy Assessments, Regulation

Deterrence in Competition Law

This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the deterrence properties of a competition policy regime. On the basis of the economic theory of law enforcement we identify several factors that are likely to affect its degree of deterrence: 1) sanctions and damages; 2) financial and human resources; 3) powers during the investigation; 4) quality of […] Read more

13 June 2005 - Research Papers , Regulation

So Far, so Close: Competition Analysis of Backbone and Local Access for Broadband Internet

This report presents a competitive assessment of the Internet infrastructure across Europe. The analysis ranges from the upstream global market for the provision of universal Internet connectivity to the downstream national markets for the provision of local network access.

13 June 2005 - Research Papers , Regulation

So Soft, so Hard: Competition Issues in the Provision of Content and E-commerce Services

This report deals with the provision of content and other applications to Internet users. The first part is focused on information/entertainment content applications. The second one addresses the issue of e-commerce.